As you may remember, I took part in a two-week planetary challenge. The challenge was completed yesterday with Saturn. You may remember that a few days before the challenge began, I had an interesting dream with planetary symbolism in it. Well, last night I had another interesting dream*.
The timeline is a bit scrambled up, but it was either sometime in the mid 80’s or in the first half of the 90’s, I can’t really tell. I wasn’t my current self; I think I was about 11 years old in this dream. I was at our summer house with my mom.
There was this woman that was renting a room across the street.
She and my mom had quickly become friends and spent a lot of time together. Although I had never seen this woman before, she felt very familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.Trying to figure it out, I tried to spend time with her, but she was avoiding me as much as possible, to the point of telling me “go out and play, and let the adults talk!” in a very irritated way.
I had a suspicion that she knew that we somehow knew each other and she didn’t like me at all for some reason. Which made it even more important for me to figure the whole thing out, to find out who she was and how we knew each other. If she disliked me that much, why did she make such a deliberate effort to become friends with my mom? Did she want something from her? Was she dangerous?
The rest of the dream takes place in the merging of two different places (as is often the case with dreams, or at least my dreams): the summer house and its neighborhood and the house where I grew up and its neighborhood. There are no leaps in time though, the timeline stays the same.
I was standing on the dirt road in front of the summer house when I saw something sparkly moving in the dirt.
Intrigued, I followed it to take a closer look and I realized it’s one of my rings. It was a golden ring with an opal surrounded by tiny rubies. I followed it inside the house, which was now the inside of the house I grew up in. It tried to get away from me.
While chasing it, I saw another one of my rings trying to sneak away. The pattern of the carpet made it difficult for me to follow their movement and I wondered if any more pieces of jewelry were running around the place. There was someone with me (I wonder if this someone was with me from the beginning of the dream). I think he was a talking rabbit. I asked him what is going on, and he explained to me that this was a game:
“Kinda like chess, but not”, he tells me.
“Do you know the rules?”, I ask him, still trying to catch any of the pieces of jewellery running around in my living room.
“Well, for starters, the pieces move across the board.”
I look around but see no board.
“I don’t see a board! Where is it?”, I ask him.
“You don’t see it because it’s larger than you think. The board is your world”, he tells me.
“So how do we play?”, I ask.
“Why, you have to catch the pieces of course!”
“So who wins?”, I ask him.
“That depends”, he replies.
“On what?”
“To win, you have to become the Queen.”
“So how does a player become the Queen?”, I ask him.
“To become Queen, you have to catch the pieces that will make you Queen”, he says.
“Ok, which pieces will make me Queen?”
“Every piece in the game can make you Queen. Different combinations of pieces too.”, he says.
“So all one has to do is catch a single piece and then they are Queen and the game is over? That makes no sense!”, I tell him.
He laughs. “Oh no, my dear! You misunderstood me. I didn’t say every piece in the game will make you Queen. I said every piece in the game can make you Queen. ”
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s not catching the pieces that is important. It is how you choose to use them. You don’t just turn into a Queen. You become Queen by using your pieces in the right way. Along the way, you will have to beat your opponents and make sure everyone -whether they like you or not- sees you as Queen. And you have to do all that without destroying yourself or your world in the process”.
“Ok, this sounds complicated. I’ve never heard of this game before. Who started it anyway”?
He replies it’s the mysterious woman (I don’t remember her name in the dream).
“Ok, so who is she playing against?”, I ask him.
“Why, you of course!”
“Me? But she didn’t ask me if I want to play! She didn’t even tell me we were playing! Why did she do that?”, I ask.
“She wants something back.”
“Something back? Something that I have? I don’t have anything of hers!”, I answer.
“Not right now, you don’t. You will though.” he says.
“I don’t understand. And it all seems a bit too complicated. I don’t know if I even want to play.”
“You cannot not play!”, he tells me.
“What if I give her whatever it is that I have back? What is it that she wants?”, I ask him.
“Your world.”, he tells me.
At that moment, I notice the golden ring I was chasing earlier. While I was busy trying to figure out the rules of the game, it has quietly come closer and closer, and is running in circles in front of me on the carpet. I realize I am wearing a bracelet on my right wrist, a solid golden hoop. The pieces don’t seem to be able to fly, so I wonder what will happen if I try to trap them.
I take my bracelet off and throw it on the carpet.
I have trapped the ring inside the golden bracelet and it can’t get out. It actually looks angry. I kneel down and catch it, and I manage to grab the other ring that was running around it (this one was easy to catch, it was looking at its trapped friend with a shocked expression on its face).
The moment I touch them though, they both calm down. They are mine now, they aren’t trying to get away anymore. Unless they get stolen, they are my pieces, serving me.
I go into my mother’s bedroom and there’s a jewellery case on a wooden stand. I put the pieces inside. I vaguely remember another ring with a deep green emerald already in the case. I close the lid, feeling weird. I have to play the game, and I have this weird feeling that I am going to win. Beat the mysterious woman who has it in for me although I have no idea why. The woman who wants back something I haven’t even stolen from her yet. The woman who wants my world. And to beat her, I need to take her world. What if she is the one who should win? What if she’s right to be against me? Where did she come from anyway?
I take off my golden bracelet that I used as a trap (I had put it back on after capturing the rings) and I place it in the jewellery case. The moment I stop touching it, it transforms into a leather bracelet, died royal blue. “Well, at least no one is going to try and steal that!”, I think. “It looks like you need a golden hoop to catch any of the pieces!”.
And with that, I wake up.
Alice holding court from her perch on the mushroom. Artist: José de Creeft. Central Park, NY.
So once again, the main symbolism is gold and royal blue, like the dress and the earrings in the dream right before the two-week challenge.
Gold as a material was of utmost importance, being the material that could trap the pieces (other kinds of hoops couldn’t).
And becoming a true Queen seemed to be the focus.
When I did the Jupiter invocation, I got a huge download of information about kingship and sovereignty and about how the whole world emanates from me. It was really detailed, and while receiving the information, I could actually see and experience with all my senses the whole world emanating from me, with a clarity I hadn’t experienced before. It felt like standing still in the midst of absolute nothing, giving shape and form and movement and purpose to everything . The world around me felt extremely unreal in a way, way too malleable to be the same place where I experience joy and pain and love etc. More like swirls of smoke taking different forms than solid matter.
I also got some advice regarding fear, and how fears shape our world when we lose sight of the fact that the world is constantly emanated from us to begin with, and how this threatens our sovereignty.
Finally, I was told that being King doesn’t mean always making the right decisions. It means deliberately choosing a course of action and dealing with the consequences of that decision. Being willing to learn by doing, rather than allowing fear to dictate our choices and calling it fate to avoid the responsibility of deliberate action. There was a lot more to it all than that, but I can’t get more specific without revealing things way too personal to share in public.
In contrast, the Sol working didn’t include any guidance or information. It was more of a channeling of solar energy, of solar light, to use as I see fit. No directions, no advice, no suggestions, no warnings. Just aim the light wherever you want, for whatever purpose you want.
I should note that all the pieces of jewellery that appeared in the dream are actually pieces I have, with the exception of one that I didn’t immediately recognize because it isn’t mine, but I remembered afterwards that it is a family heirloom that my mom used to wear a long time ago. I haven’t seen it in over a decade though, which is why I didn’t recognize it.
I don’t really have dreams focused so much on jewellery, this was a first for me. The two rings that had come to life and had powers though, actually have powers in waking life too. The first one -funnily enough- is a ring I use to access different layers of reality and different timelines in the astral, mainly (but not only) while I sleep, while the other houses one of my familiar spirits, a chthonic spirit who has been with me since childhood and who I have known in past lives as well.
It is interesting to note that I had no idea who this woman was in the dream, and I had no idea who this woman was when I woke up.
But just an hour ago, I realized why she looked so familiar. She looks like a woman I actually know, or at least how I suppose she could have looked like back then.
Which would make some kind of sense at least as to what it was that she was trying to get back.
Only I don’t have it. I truly didn’t have it back then, I didn’t even have the faintest idea who she was when I was 11. I still don’t have what she’s looking for, or at least I think I don’t.
The weirdest thing though is this: this woman is part of a situation that I’ve struggled to find a way to fix. And it just seems unfixable. As if there is some cosmic power that has set this up so that no matter what anyone does, it’s a lose-lose situation. Which annoys the hell out of me, because I don’t really believe in destiny.
But I can’t find any scenario -not even a totally out-there scenario, like if I physically went back a few decades and changed this and that, then this wouldn’t have happened etc- where things would have significantly better chances of being better. Where all people involved would be truly happy. It’s like someone, somewhere, somehow, messed something up and there’s a glitch in this particular system that makes it impossible to produce a truly happy ending.
What makes it even weirder is the fact that she appeared in this younger form. People I don’t have any particular connection to don’t just pop up where I am in the astral like that in past forms. Let alone as deliberately as she did. Especially people who -at least to my knowledge- don’t have any interest or skills in astral traveling or anything metaphysical of any kind.
This is probably the most out-there thought I’ve had in a while (and believe me, I have many out-there thoughts), but I am now wondering if something like that is actually possible.
If someone can actually mess with someone’s past like that to prevent something from happening.
Or if someone’s past self can decide to mess with things like that, even without someone’s current self’s conscious permission or understanding.
And if that kind of messing with things could be the reason why this situation seems unfixable to me in such a distinct way, such an unnatural way.
Granted, it all happened in some layer of the astral instead of directly in the physical world, but changes in the astral can be used to manifest things in the physical.
*Ok, not exactly a dream. It was more of an astral experience than something my subconscious constructed.