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There was a recent discussion about morning routines, so I decided to share mine here:
Wake up. I have a different schedule every day, so wake up time is usually somewhere between 7 am and 9 am.
Switch alarm clock off and stay in bed for a minute or two, making sure I won't forget what I was dreaming about.
Get up and switch laptop on.
Make coffee (one sugar, lots of milk).
Write down the dream I had (if I can remember it).
Drink coffee while checking for new e-mails and then facebook and different blogs, forums and other pages for news, mainly stuff related to magic or politics, as well as anything else that seems interesting or important.
Morning practice: 9 Cleansing Breaths, Pillar and Spheres, some stretching combined with moving energy in different channels. Some kind of Inner Heat practice (usually Fire Breathing). Invoke the elements and what I want to bring into my world, setting my intentions for the day. Offerings (usually glass of water and some incense), done inside, mainly to spirits that mostly come out in the morning.
Get dressed and head out while listing a minimum of 5 things I'm grateful for.
There used to be a 10-minute meditation session somewhere in there too, but I'm not really a morning person so I often end up with no time left to do that *cough* too much time on facebook *cough*.
So it's usually just 2-3 minutes of meditation either before or after the Pillar and Spheres.
There are also times (especially if I wake up late or if I've had a dream that takes way too long to type, as I often do) that I end up having no time at all for my morning practice, in which case I will do only energy offerings (if I remember, that is) and sometime later in the day I'll use the bathroom to do the 9 Breaths, Pillar and Spheres and a couple of minutes of meditation.So this is my morning routine. What's yours? Share the details in the comments!