25 Powerful Neville Goddard Quotes On Manifestation

Neville Goddard, the mystic and metaphysics teacher from Barbados, was one of the most influential figures of the New Thought Movement. He influenced many modern teachers like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and Esther Hicks.

He thought his students that imagination is the only reality and that they could get absolutely anything they desired if they were bold enough to claim it as theirs in their imagination and persist in that assumption until it appeared in the physical world.

Now, almost 5 decades after his death, there has been a new surge of interest in his teachings, with countless people using his techniques and talking about them online.

In saying that, here are 25 of the most inspirational, most powerful quotes from Neville Goddard, that have helped manifestation and the law of assumption “click” for many people.

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  1. Change your conception and you will change the world

“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”

Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune

2. All you could ever need or desire is already yours

“All you can possibly need or desire is already yours. You need no helper to give it to you; it is yours now. Call your desires into being by imagining and feeling your wish fulfilled. As the end is accepted, you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end.”

Neville Goddard, Feeling is The Secret

3. Signs always follow

“Stop looking for signs. Signs follow; they do not precede. Begin to reverse the statement, “Seeing is believing,” to “Believing is seeing.” Start now to believe, not with the wavering confidence based on deceptive external evidence but with an undaunted confidence based on the immutable law that you can be that which you desire to be. You will find that you are not a victim of fate but a victim of faith (your own).”

– Neville Goddard

4. You are already what you want to be

“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.”

– Neville Goddard

5. Never judge by appearances

“If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.”

Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune


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6. Give up your current limitations

“Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.”

– Neville Goddard


7. Use your imagination with purpose

“An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”

– Neville Goddard

8. Only you have power over your reality

“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.”

Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune

9. Regret is a waste of time

“Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself. Turn from appearances and assume the feeling that would be yours were you already the one you wish to be.”

Neville Goddard, Feeling is The Secret


10. Your feelings decide what manifests in your life

“Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad or indifferent – it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who does not control his feeling may easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states. By control of feeling is not meant restraint or suppression of your feeling, but rather the disciplining of self to imagine and entertain only such feeling as contributes to your happiness. Control of your feeling is all important to a full and happy life.”

Neville Goddard, Feeling is The Secret

11. The great manifestation secret is controlled imagination + attention

"The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the feeling of the wish fulfilled until it fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness."

- Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness

12. The world doesn’t have a motive, only you have one

"The world moves with motiveless necessity. By this is meant that it has no motive of its own, but is under the necessity of manifesting your concept, the arrangement of your mind, and your mind is always arranged in the image of all you believe and consent to as true. “

- Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness

13. If you dare to assume that you have it already, everyone else will be compelled to give it to you

“Simply dare to assume you are what you want to be and you will compel everyone to play their part.”

– Neville Goddard


14. Your thoughts keep manifesting long after you’ve had them

“Our present thoughts do not recede into the past, they advance into the future to confront us as wasted or invested words.”

– Neville Goddard


15. Any assumption will become true if you keep assuming it long enough

“Experience has convinced me that an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.”

– Neville Goddard


16. People only ever reflect what we think about them, ourselves and the world

"Others only echo that which we whisper to them in secret.”

– Neville Goddard


17. Opposing facts will dissolve on their own if you remain faithful to your new state

"Suppose the facts now still deny what you did. It doesn’t matter. Let the facts remain; they will dissolve. They will all dissolve because you are going to remain faithful and you will occupy the state. No longer are you going to construct it and not occupy it. You are going to occupy the state. And as you occupy the state, it is going to work"

– Neville Goddard, “The Flood is Still Upon Us” lecture

18. Others cannot create or destroy anything in your life

“For everyone who responds to your imaginal act is a shadow. How can a shadow be causative in your world? The moment you give another the power of causation, you have transferred to him the power that rightfully belongs to you. Others are only shadows, bearing witness to the activities taking place in you. The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing within yourself. If you know this, you are set free and a series of events will unfold within you to reveal the story of salvation.”

Neville Goddard, Let Us Go Into The Silence - The Lectures of Neville Goddard: 300 Lectures

19. Embody it fully until it’s the only reality

“You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness.”

Neville Goddard

20. The world is yourself pushed out

“The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.”

Neville Goddard


21. No one can stop you from getting what you want

“If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.”

Neville Goddard


22. If you imagine that people see you differently, they will

“I imagine that people see me as they would see me if I were the man that I want to be.”

Neville Goddard

23. Observe your inner thoughts and change them if you need to

“Listen closely to your invisible thoughts. What do you hear? What are your words implying? That is their potency. What do you want? Name it and rearrange the structure of your mind to imply you no longer desire it, because you already have it!”

Neville Goddard

24. There is no cause other than your state of consciousness

“Man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.”

Neville Goddard

25. You are the one giving or withholding things from yourself

“For life makes no mistakes and always gives man that which man first gives himself.”

Neville Goddard


Closing thoughts on Neville Goddard quotes

I hope that you enjoyed these quotes and that they will help you in your manifestation journey!

Neville Goddard made some bold claims in many of these quotes, and a lot of people want to believe what Neville said is true but cannot figure out how to apply these teachings in their own lives.

If you want to learn how to use Neville Goddard’s techniques in a simple, easy to understand way you can instantly put into practice, subscribe to my Youtube channel. I publish videos every week to help you manifest a specific person, love, money, vacations, improved relationships, your dream business or anything else your heart desires!

And if you have specific questions, hop on a call with me and I’ll help you figure it all out!



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